Friday, March 1, 2013

fridays letters & March Goals

Dear Febuary, 
I can't believe you are over ALREADY!  Those 2 extra days at the end of the rest of the months make a huge difference

Dear Chris,
I'm glad you got home safely from South Carolina last night and I'm glad Baby Bowen didn't decide to make a scene while you were away.

Dear Baby Bowen,
You gave me a bit of a "scare" earlier this week.  I was having uncomfortable contractions and wondering if I was going to meet you soon.  I got a bit nervous, you see, because we have no place to put you.  The car seat and cradle were still in the attic.  Those are down now and I have the car seat cover washed and put together.  The cradle sheets are washed, but we do still need to put the cradle together.  I even found some the newborn diapers.  We went ahead and packed a hospital bag too, so I'm feeling a little bit more prepared now.  That being said, as much as I am ready to not be pregnant anymore, your daddy and I would really appreciate you waiting another week.  There are just a few more things we would like to get done.  Thank you.

Dear Aubra,
Thank you so much for watching Phoebe yesterday while I went to the doctor!  I can't tell you how amazing it was not to have to entertain a toddler in the waiting room for an hour and then try to keep her from touching everything in the exam room (yuck!).  And I even got to have a conversation with the doctor! (This normally doesn't happen because I have a screaming toddler by the time the doctor actually comes in to see me.

Dear Phoebe,
Please stop coughing and feel better soon.

Dear Ambien,
You were amazing last night.  It was the first full night of sleep I've had in awhile.  I only have a few of you so I will have to ration you out, but man oh man I feel good today :)

Dear new readers,
You make me very happy!  Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you stay awhile.  I really do love all your comments.

Dear Meghan,

I realize that y'all are not doing this "go for the goal" link up anymore.  I promise I will make my own button/logo for next month.  But for now I am going to use yours again.  Thanks.

February Goals

1.  Complete 2011/2012 family photo book AND pre-kids photo book.  
Done!  Well I did the 2011/2012 book with My Publisher! And it looks amazing!  We love it!! I was also really impressed with the company!  It was really easy to use (easier than Shutterfly) and in my opinion gave me a superior product.  I have a 50% off coupon that expires March 7th so I might try to finish the pre-kids book in the next week to use that, but we'll see.

2.  I want to try for another DIY project.  
I'm thinking liquid hand soap to fill up my mason jar soap dispensers
I did it!

3. Get a pregnancy massage
Chris gave me a gift certificate groupon/living social deal for a massage for Christmas.  I think it is getting time to redeem that :)
I have it scheduled for Saturday, March 9th.  So again, Baby Bowen I need one more week.  I wanted to schedule it on a Saturday so Chris could watch Phoebe and this was the first Saturday that he was in town and I wasn't working!

4. Exercise- walk, walk, walk! 
 I'm certainly past the point of hard-sweat exercising, but I really do need to get outside and walk or get on the treadmill at the gym and walk at least three times/week.
I did well with this goal for the first two weeks and then I had no more extra energy.  I started having trouble sleeping and walking sounded awful.  And then this past week I started contracting more, so I'm trying to take it easy now.

5. Slow down and enjoy more "down-time"!
I would say we kinda failed here...  Whoops.  We maybe slowed down a little bit, but because I'm not sleeping as well I'm just exhausted all the time!

March Goals
(all pre-baby goals.  I have no goals post-baby)

1. Wash and vacuum cars and vacuum out all the cheerio and cracker crumbs from the car seats.

2. Re-sew the Velcro tabs to my size small cloth diapers for the new baby to use
(The cloth diapers I recommend are the bumGenius 4.0 One Size with snaps.  We do have a few size smalls of of the Velcro 3.0s and those are the ones I need to replace)

3.  File taxes

4. Get new tires for my car

Have a great weekend!!  


Perception Is Everything


  1. I'm in the process of making one of those picture books! Maybe that will be my match goal! And now I'm off to see how your soap turned out! Thanks for having such a wonderful blog!

  2. awww how exciting- i love being able to anticipate baby births!

  3. Haha! Hm. We just didn't get it together for our linkup. We never had a HUGE amount of people linking up, so I think none of us really jumped on it. :D I can't wait to meet Baby Bowen.

  4. your post-baby goal should probably be just to stay awake :)

  5. Love the goals! Good luck getting them all done pre-baby! :) Thanks for linking up!!

  6. I hope you get them all done pre-baby! I know I wouldn't want a to-do list while trying to play with a new baby :) Thanks for linking up, and hope you are feeling well! xoxo


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