Saturday, March 16, 2013

40+ Weeks and 19 Months

There has been some speculation as to whether I had the baby because my blog has been quiet for the past couple days.  Sadly, the answer to that is no.  I am still pregnant...  

For whatever reason I just had not felt like turning on my computer.  Not like I had anything else to do; I was just feeling lazy and anti-technology for a couple days.  It had been awhile since I had picked up a book and I started reading Divergent and the AAP New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding a  couple days ago.  Both have been entertaining me recently.  I had so many problems nursing Phoebe; I am a bit anxious about this one.  I have every intention of nursing and will pump again if I have to, but am really hoping this experience is completely different.

Honestly, not much as changed pregnancy-wise since my 39 week update.  At my 40 week appointment my cervix was still the same as it has been the past couple weeks.  That was a little discouraging.  I did cry on the way home from the doctor.  For some (now seemingly stupid) reason I really thought this baby was going to be early and had my hopes set high that it would come before my due date.  Last week each night that I went to bed still pregnant was a disappointment.  Now I am no longer anticipating labor on a daily basis.  I've come to terms with the fact that I am still pregnant and that's alright.  I REALLY do not want to be induced and it will probably come to that this week if nothing happens in the next few days.  That makes me anxious and a bit sad, but it is what it is.

I did notice my first stretch marks yesterday.  Yep, that was a bummer too.  If only this baby had come earlier they could have been avoided.

But on a happier note I'll give you a brief update on baby big girl, who is now 19 months old.  She's as spunky as ever.  The more necklaces and bibs she has around her neck the happier she is.  Honestly, I have no idea why she has developed this obsession with bibs, but she loves them and always wants to be wearing not one but about 4 at a time.

In other big news, the paci disappeared this month.  The pediatrician said it looked like her front teeth were starting to buck out a little bit (which he attributed to the paci) so it would probably be a good idea to make it go away.  She had only been using it at night-time and nap-time since she was about 5 months old, but I guess she was sucking on it enough at night to effect her teeth.  So that day after we got home from the doctor I took them all out of her bed and she's never had one since.  It was a much easier transition that I anticipated.  The first night she cried for about 20 minutes and the second night only a couple minutes.  The first two nights she didn't have a paci Chris and I also left her with a babysitter so I didn't have to listen to her cry :)  Ok, we didn't exactly plan it that way but we had sitters lined up for those two nights already.  Really, I think this responsible parenting idea.  Pawn your child off to someone else's care when you make big transitions like taking away a paci or moving her into a big girl bed.  (Yes, we also had a sitter her second night in her big girl bed...)  Now she has a blanket that has replaced her paci as her comfort at nap time and bed time.
She's still tiny of course and not eating well, but that is just the story of our lives.  She sleeps well and naps fairly well.

She LOVES cars.  Mater is her favorite!!  In fact the new baby has a Mater stuffed animal present to give to big sister whenever it arrives.  She always asks to watch "Mater" which is this 30 minute cartoon on Netflix called "Mater's Tall Tales."

We still haven't cut her hair, but I think we're going to need to do that soon.  It is getting a little unruly...
Here's a few pictures from the past month-


Hope you're having a good Saturday.  We've had 70+ degree weather so have been spending most of the day outdoors and loving it!



  1. I'm getting excited for you and wanted to share I had a nightmare of a time nursing my first baby. She constantly lost weight, we were always at the doctor, I was always stressed about it and it hurt! The second time there was NOTHING like that. She latched on immediately, gained weight from the start and never looked back. It was night and day experiences. I believe that will happen to you too!

  2. Cute cute! Love the bath picture. Sorry you're still pregnant, but that baby has to come out sometime :) Are you liking Divergent? It's been on my list for a while.

  3. She is so cute! I didn't realize how close in age she & Luke were. I worry about the day we give up the paci. Luke uses it for naptime, nighttime & super cranky times. He grinds his teeth at night, so I tell myself the paci is better than grinding, but I don't want to mess up his cute toofies either!

  4. Ahhh, that hair picture! So cute.

    My friend Mallory (former Vandy intern) was in Veronica Roth's wedding and has stayed good friends with her — they met at Northwestern. I haven't read the books yet, but they're on my list. (And apparently she's already got a film deal, too.)

  5. awwww! Love this months pictures of her! She's such a doll :) we haven't cut our sons hair either, he's turning 2 next month. People are hounding us about getting his first cut but I'm not ready to say bye to his sweet curls! I was one those that had a suspicion you'd delivered this week...hang in there momma! It's all in "due time"!

  6. Hi Jen :)

    I linked to you from 'My Joy Filled Pregnancy.' I make the same deodorant, only I use organic cornstarch. I've been using it for years and love it! :)

    Your daughter is adorable. I have 6 daughters. (no sons) My youngest is 6 weeks and her slightly bigger sister is only 17 months old. :)Congratulations on your new little one coming!!

  7. praying your baby comes soon and on it's own! I'm sure you are MORE than ready! and yeah for no pacifier. i like your advice for leaving them with a babysitter that night :)


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