Friday, November 25, 2011


I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!  We celebrated in Oklahoma City with my family.  Like the past several years, my Thanksgiving started off with the Turkey Trot...only this year we were in OKC rather than Chattanooga.  And I had to run it by myself since Chris' foot is still healing.  Bummer.  The Oklahoma City Turkey Trot is a 5K (Chattanooga's is a 8K) so it was my first race post-baby.  I have been running with the jogging stroller, but not really training at all so I had no idea how fast I have been running or what to expect for a finish-time.  I arbitrarily set a goal of 27 minutes (9 minute mile) for myself and I finished in 26 minutes and 4 seconds!

The starting line was in walking distance of our hotel so I walked over with another family who were running.  There were surprisingly several people in the hotel lobby in the morning who were headed over to run the race.  Several of my uncles, aunts, and cousins were also staying at the hotel for a couple nights so they all walked over to cheer me on.  Thanks!

There's always a fun crew out to run on Thanksgiving morning- fun turkey costumes and such. This year my favorites were the OKC firemen cadets.  There were probably about 25 of them who ran in full-gear in formation the whole race!  I wish I had gotten a picture.

I was very excited to wear the turkey hat again this year!  I was able to wear it almost all the way through the race.

Sorry, the sun was in my eyes so I'm squinting in most of the post-race pictures

Phoebe came out to cheer me on in her turkey dress that Mamo had made for her

The whole Leck clan (about 24 of us) met at another hotel downtown for Thanksgiving dinner; this place was packed with a line out the door! Who knew so many people headed to one buffet for Thanksgiving dinner!

Its hard to get a picture without her hands in her mouth these days

Some cousin love.  Or maybe 2nd or 3rd cousin love....Or maybe 2nd cousin once removed??  I have no idea how those things work. Benjamin is my cousins, Kenneth and Sara's, 4th baby boy who is about 6 weeks older than Phoebe.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the time in the 5k! That's great! I ran the 8k in Chattanooga this year. Wish you'd be there...didn't know it was something you've done in the past. It is the hilliest course. Good Lord this Florida girl was not prepared for those Brainerd Hills.


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